Actor Gabriel Gherutchi

We spoke with Gabriel recently about his acting career and would love to share our Q & A here:

As a child, did you want to be an actor or did it fall into place through other activities?

I remember always loving Show Biz. The lights and possible glamour. It attracted me to be part of it one day.

 Initially, I had other dreams of crazier careers- not specifically an Actor. I was shier growing up, wasn’t ready for any kind of public speaking. I tried my hand at Drama in high school, yet it didn’t really open me up much more. Then, there was a time I wanted to focus on writing. Last few years have been the realization that I enjoy more being in the limelight, in front of the camera, talking and interacting with characters. That’s when my eyes were open to the Industry.

Who inspired you to follow your dream to pursue 

Many many Actors and friends of mine inspired me to be a Performer somehow. I had many talented people to look up to growing up. One particular muse was Professional wrestling. Something about the live nature of it, the crowd interaction, made me want to be an entertainer. Then I had a hero of mine make me want to be like him- David Letterman. Mostly I’d say, it has been myself that has been inspiring change and pursuing all the different avenues available to an actor. 

What challenges have you faced in the entertainment industry?  What has been your most rewarding experience?

Challenges are part of the beauty. Still, the big one is competition. Or not getting noticed. Or missing a chance because of circumstance. Still, all of this only makes for great stories in the end. It’s a shame that our line of work is so fierce and doesn’t get the recognition and respect it deserves. People criticize what we do, won’t pay to see some up and coming shows, and then have no problem buying a movie ticket like it’s mindless entertainment. 

Thus far, most rewarding has been great days on Set, albeit long ones where you wouldn’t trade it in for another “job.” Plus, all the terrific networking we are capable of doing. 
What is your favourite type of character to play?
  I enjoy now more a Boy Next Door, or the rugged young hungry police officer. Growing up, I really loved films like Die Hard and Lethal Weapon. Ultimately, I want to be a character much like they were. With that awesome charisma, and the on-screen chemistry between the talent.  
What market do you currently work in?  Are there other areas you would like to work?
  In Toronto myself. Big dreamer wanting to explore Los Angeles, New York and Europe. I don’t want to limit myself, so modeling also is an interest of mine as it can take you globally. 
 What advice would you give to someone new trying to make it in the acting industry?

 Advice: Dream awake. See yourself daily getting closer to what you want and what you think you need. It won’t happen exactly, but anything close is just as great. Apply yourself not daily- hourly. Do this by making contacts, putting yourself in uncomfortable situations. Break out a sweat. Get to know what you really enjoy doing. Make lifelong Industry friends that will always be there for you. Think how crazy you have to be to do this steadily. Avoid being cutthroat- it’s already been done and it’s dull.  You can be better than that. Above all, know that you’re special for giving this your best- others dreamed about it long ago, now you get to live it for a change… 
To follow Gabriel, please see below:

Author: Darlene Morrison

Mom of four living in Newmarket with my family. Love writing, reading, and studying Fundraising Management. Loves hanging with my children, running and spending time with friends and family