Seize the opportunity

Things are going well for me.

I recently decided to start writing (blogging) again after years and am loving it!  have contacted a few people about blogging for their websites and am now on my way  to write articles for them.  It is soooo exciting! I received my first course mark today for my fundraising course and got 100 percent. I am fundraising for my children’s school also.  I really think I am meant to do what I am doing. Although I am jamming alot in to my time, I am loving it!

If there is something you want to do, it is never too late to get it!  Take it from me who has been home for years raising a family, it feels fabulous to work on yourself , and make your own opportunities!

Seize the day, you can do it!


Author: Darlene Morrison

Mom of four living in Newmarket with my family. Love writing, reading, and studying Fundraising Management. Loves hanging with my children, running and spending time with friends and family